Monday 6 March 2017

Recent reports from WHO (World Health Organisation) ,various newspapers and other resources indicate that more than 10 million people die every year due to bad air or polluted air. Pollution have entered into your bedroom. It cause severe effects to women and children. WHO published a report on 6th March 2017 saying that 1.7 Million children dies each year due to polluted environment. We should understand that its high time now and act to save our children. We should start from our house and reduce indoor air pollution because our home is a place where our children spent most of the time.

How to purify air in house and reduce indoor air pollution?

Use kitchen chimney as it help in removing many polluted air from you house.

Nature is the solution of every problem. So always try to find natural solution. Here i will explain some natural solution to purify air in house,

Make a garden and plant as much as possible, plants will help you remove toxic from your air and reduce indoor air pollution. If you have a garden then plant as many trees as you can, remember this will not only purify your air but also purify your society and in this way you will also contribute to the nature.

   If you live in a apartment then do your plantation at your balcony. fill your balcony with useful plants. If you will seat near these plant then you can easily feel the freshness in the air.

There are few indoor plant which can be kept in your bedroom, these plant provide oxygen during night as well, here you have a list of plant which gives you oxygen during day and night as well. Plant these at your bedroom to provide fresh air to you and your children. 

Aloe Vera

Areca Palm

Chrishmas Cactus

Neem Tree


Peepal Tree

Tulsi Green

Snake Plant

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